Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Social Media Usage in Developing Countries

 The usage of the internet is something that we here in America take for granted. I myself do not think twice when accessing the internet from research, education, or simply entertainment however, I think it is often overlooked not everyone has ease of access to these same features and usage. One article that I found interesting dealt with this specific topic and from what I gathered, there is a direct correlation between GDP or Gross Domestic Product and internet and or smartphone usage. The article showed that in more developed countries, smartphone and internet ownership and usage is very high when contrasted against countries that are still developing. Having said that, the numbers of developing countries whose citizens own smartphones and have access to the internet is growing rapidly. Are there other reasons as to why these developing countries do not have the same access as other more developed countries? Are there any other correlations that one might identify? Other than GDP?  I would look at standard of living, social and cultural customs, such as gender roles and differences and expectations as well. For instance, not every country has the same social contract norms as the U.S and therefore, could play a role in the lack of internet access and usage for its citizens. I also would have to look at things like the average income and also free time away from work or responsibilities. What do you all think could be some reasons as to why this is? 

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