Sunday, June 11, 2023

We Don't Need No Stinking Badges!... Or Do we?

When working to complete a task, there can be many barriers and blockades in ones’ path to achieving their initial goal. This can take the form of reaching a certain level of education, earning credentials in an area of expertise or being as simple as receiving your driver’s license. Whatever the case, digital badges have been shown to play an important role in motivation for many different tasks and goals. I am still learning about some the various platforms and programs that offer me as a student and hopeful future instructional designer an array of prospective opportunities. Badges earned can strengthen and incentivize leaners to keep pushing and growing. 


  1. Jeff I love that we had the same thought on blog post titles.

  2. Hi Jeff! I too am currently learning about badges and how they can be used to support learning. People in my institution are focusing on one very specific application which is to showcase skills that are not critical skills that engineers must possess (I'm working in an college for agro-food engineering). So basically, badges could be used to promote communication skills or an entrepreneurship mindset. I tried to tell my colleagues about other possibilities and that badges could enhance learners motivation but I am struggling to have them consider these other uses.

  3. Dr. Klein makes the same statement as this post title every time the topic of badges comes up. :)


Week 11 Reflection

 This week has probably been one the toughest for me personally, because I was trying to get my own final exams and last week of the summer ...